Kibale Tours

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park Uganda

Kidepo Valley National Park : The only national park in Uganda that is located in the best, most pristine areas and offers the best opportunities to see wildlife is Kidepo Valley National Park. It is also home to many extinct wildlife species that can only be found there, including the most contented ostrich bird species in the nation. Northeastern Uganda’s Kaabong area is home to the Kidepo Valley National Park, which is regarded as Uganda‘s third-best national park due to its variety of attractions.

Attractions in Kidepo valley national park.


Kidepo Valley National Park is home to over 77 mammal species, over 20 species of predators, including the leopard, lion, spotted hyena, and cheetah. Additionally, the park is famous for its endemic species, including the black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox, aardwolf, and caracal. Additionally, the park has a variety of elephants, Rothschild’s giraffe, zebra

Bird species.

More than 480 different bird species can be found at the Kidepo Valley National Park, which is also well-known for being the place where bird watchers may experience the majestic ostrich. The Abyssinian roller, Chestnut weaver, Fox kestrel, Golden pipit, Greater Jackson’s hornbill, Purple grenadier, Pygmy falcon, Rufous chatterer, Northern carmine bee-eater, and other bird species can also be seen in the park, not to mention the migratory bird species from Europe that visit the area from November to April.

Narus Valley.

Kidepo Valley National Park’s Narus valley is a popular destination. This area is a rolling grassland plain surrounded by distant mountains, where most of the park’s wildlife congregates and there are reliable water sources. Lions, buffaloes, giraffes, oribis, reedbucks, and other animals can all be seen in this area.

Apoka Tourism Center.

The tourist center of Kidepo Valley National Park is Apoka. Here, you can find park rangers and guides, as well as a gift shop with books and trinkets and a variety of drinks, including sodas, alcohol, and beverages. Food can also be prepared on demand.

Kidepo valley and Kanangorok Hot springs.

Kidepo Valley and Kanangorok Hot Springs are two of the top tourist destinations. Kidepo Valley means to pick from below, and visitors can visit the valley to collect fallen borassus fruit for beer. Kanangorok Hot Springs is the most alluring location in the park because it offers visitors the chance to see a variety of local wildlife, a tranquil setting, and mountains beyond the park’s boundary.

Mount Morungule.

Mount Morungule is located at the southern edge of the park and rises from the plains a few kilometers northeast of Apoka. Tourists should explore Mount Morungule on foot with park rangers or guides because it is home to the IK people, the smallest ethnic group in Uganda. It is recommended that you learn more about their culture and traditions while on a Uganda safari.

Namamukweny Valley.

Tourists are constantly drawn to Namamukweny Valley in Kidepo Valley National Park to watch the park’s many bird species, including the Common Bulbul, White-crested Turaco, Eastern Paradise Whydah, and many others.

Lomej Hills.

The Lomej Hills in Kidepo Valley National Park are renowned as the best viewing sites in the park; from here, you can see the majority of the park’s species.

Kidepo Valley National Park
Lomej Hills

Lonyili Mountain.

Lonyili Mountain, which is primarily covered by the mountainous forest and is a major feature in the park known for its colobus monkey population, is located in Kidepo Valley. Visitors to the park take the time to climb Lonyili Mountain in order to see the most unusual primates in Kidepo Valley National Park and create lifelong memories.

Activities to do

Game drives.

 The best way for tourists to see the entire park is through game drives, which are done in two sections: morning and afternoon game drives. During these drives, visitors can see almost all of the park’s wildlife, including lions, leopards, reedbucks, giraffes, zebras, Uganda kobs, bushbucks, elands, dik dik, hyenas, elephants, and many others. If you’re feeling particularly lucky,

Bird watching.

With over 480 bird species, including endemic, savannah, and migratory species, Kidepo Valley National Park is considered the best birding safari destination in Uganda. Bird watching is best done in areas like Apoja Rest Camp, the fringes of Narus Valley, and Namamukweny Valley. With the assistance of the park’s knowledgeable park guides, various bird species can be identified with ease.

Nature walks.

Nature walks give visitors the chance to tour the park on foot while being protected from dangerous animals by knowledgeable park rangers and guides. Most nature walks in the park take place near Apoka Camp and the Rionomoe Trail, among other locations, as they allow visitors to get up close to a variety of animals and bird species while taking in the park’s cool breeze.

Cultural tours.

A Uganda safari is never complete without experiencing or participating in cultural tours. In the Park, visitors interact with the Karamojong and IK people who live nearby. By visiting their homes, visitors can purchase items made by the locals by supporting them, such as arrows, beads, spears, knives, and other items, and they also get to enjoy their time in the park.

Entrance fees 

Category Non-Resident Foreigners East African nationals who are foreign residents

Children USD 20 USD 10 UGX 5000 Adult USD 40 USD 30 USD 6

Best time to visit Kidepo Valley National Park.

As the rainy season transitions into the dry season, July and August are the next best months to visit Kidepo Valley National Park. During the dry season, which lasts from September through to March, the vegetation can be scarce and animal sightings around drinking holes are quite easy.

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