Kibale Tours

4 Days Mgahinga Gorillas and Golden Monkey Trekking

4 Days Luxury Gorilla Safari To Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

4 Days Mgahinga Gorillas and Golden Monkey Trekking : This incredible Uganda safari that begins and ends in Kigali includes a 4-day journey to see mountain gorillas and golden monkeys. The safari will take you to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, the smallest national park in Uganda and home to three volcanic mountains, endangered mountain gorillas, and golden monkeys, among other things. In order to learn more about the Batwa people, you will participate in breath-taking activities like gorilla trekking, golden monkey trekking, and the Batwa trail experience during the safari.

Highlights of the 4 days Mgahinga gorillas and golden monkey trekking

Day 1: Transfer from Kigali to Mgahinga gorilla national park

Day 2: Gorilla trekking

Day 3: Golden monkey trekking and Batwa trail experience

Day 4: Departure to Kigali

Detailed itinerary

Day 1 of the 4 days Mgahinga gorillas and golden monkey trekking

Arrival and transfer to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: On the first day of the four-day trek to see Mgahinga Gorillas and Golden Monkeys, you will be met at the Kigali International Airport by our driver guide who will give you a briefing on the safari before beginning the drive to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. You will have lunch along the way and enjoy the stunning countryside, Rwanda’s undulating hills, the Kigezi Hills, and traditional homesteads, among other things, as you travel. After crossing the Cyanika border in the Kisoro area, you will check into the lodge, have dinner, and spend the night there.

Day 2: Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga gorilla national park

4 Days Mgahinga Gorillas and Golden Monkey Trekking
Golden Monkey Trekking

Gorilla trekking: On the second day of the four-day Mgahinga gorillas and golden monkey trek, following an early breakfast, you will pack a lunch and meet your driver guide to travel to the park headquarters for a briefing on the guidelines for trekking gorillas. Following the briefing, you will begin jungle hiking with a park guide who is knowledgeable on gorilla pathways. Depending on where the gorilla family is located, gorilla trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours. During hiking, you’ll also get to enjoy breathtaking vistas of many bird species, primates, and plant species. Once the mountain gorillas have been located, you will be given an hour to spend with them in their natural environment. During this time, you will be able to learn more about their way of life and mannerisms, as well as snap pictures and record the events. You will return to the park headquarters after spending an hour with the mountain gorillas, where you will receive a certificate for your participation in the hike, meet your driver guide, and be driven to the resort for the evening for leisure, dinner, and overnight.

Day 3: Golden monkey trekking and Batwa trail experience

Golden monkey trekking takes place on the third day of the four-day Mgahinga gorillas and golden monkey trekking trip. You will meet your driver guide there and travel to the Ntebeko park headquarters for a lecture on the guidelines and expectations for the golden monkey trekking trip. Due to their propensity to roam from one place to another in quest of food, golden monkey trekking begins around 8:00am and lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours. When you follow trails made of discarded bamboo shoots and leaves during golden monkey trekking, you’ll get excellent views of other animal species, including plants, primates, and different bird species. Once the golden monkeys have been located, you will be given an hour to spend with them in their natural environment. During this time, you will have the chance to observe them climb trees, learn about their habits and behaviors, take pictures, and make a movie. You’ll walk back to the park headquarters after spending an hour with the golden monkeys, where you’ll meet your driver guide and take a ride back to the resort for lunch.

After lunch, you will go on a Batwa trail trip in the Mgahinga forest. Before the forest was gazetted as a national park, the Batwa lived there for a very long time. Throughout the Batwa trail experience, you will be accompanied by the Batwa themselves. The Batwa trail walk begins with a prayer by the Batwa guides, who will be pleading with the spirits to keep everyone safe while they trek through the forest. You will be able to learn about various plant species that were used to treat various illnesses, such as fever and diabetes, during the Batwa Trail Experience. You will also be able to see how bamboo was used to make cups, hear about their ancient legends, and visit the Garama Caves, which served as the Kings Palace, a food store, and a hiding place for the Batwa from the Bantu people. Batwa men and women will also amuse you with their traditional dance, music, and theatre. You will meet your guide after your trip on the Batwa Trail and drive back to the resort for dinner and the night.

Day 4: Departure to Kigali

After a leisurely breakfast on the final day of your four-day walk to see the Mgahinga gorillas and golden monkeys, check out of the lodge, and meet your driver guide for the ride to Kigali. The drive takes around 4 hours, crossing the border into Cyanika along the way. Once you get in Kigali, you’ll have lunch before heading to the airport to catch your next flight.

End of 4 Days Mgahinga Gorillas and Golden Monkey Trekking

Tour includes

Gorilla trekking permit

Golden monkey trekking

Batwa trail experience

An English speaking driver guide

Full board accommodation

Pick up and drop off

Vehicle and fuel

Bottled water

Tour excludes

Air flight tickets


Optional activities not included on the itinerary

Personal expenses like buying souvenirs, crafts, alcoholic drinks, laundry services, hiring a porter, tips among others.

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